HL Infusion Powder
Catalog numberRM022-500GX5
DiscriptionHL Infusion Powder 500GX5 by himedia ;it was prepared in controlled condition to fix all nutritive values of liver,this product recommended to product high quantity of antibiotics, vaccines, enzymes and culture media.
Solubilitysoluble in distilled water
ApparenceFine powder and colour Brownish yellow to brown
StabilityStable under recommended storage and handling conditions
StorageStorage at room temperature
Shelf lifeshould be used before the date on the lable
Toxicological informationnon toxic
Melting temperatureN/A
Molecular FormulaN/A
Molecular WeightN/A
Tipsprotect the product from the Heat, light. and humidity the Product loses its potency at temperature >45°C
OrderingTo orderHL Infusion Powder please use the Cat.RM022-500GX5 and submit your purchase order by email or by fax. Please contact us for more information
Technical filePlease contact our technical support - [email protected] - to request a datasheet, the user manual, certificate of analysis or the MSDS file.
Contacte usfor more information please contact us at [email protected]
Gene target
Short nameHL Infusion Powder
Alternative nameHL Infusion Powder