Detergent-Free Exosomal Protein Extraction Kit "New"
Catalog number101Bio-P201
DescriptionsDETERGENT-FREE EXOSOMAL PROTEIN EXTRACTION KIT- exoxic protein isolator from pure DNA without the use of detergent, this operation is effective, fast lasts
Shelf life1 year
Sorage temperatureStored at 4°C
Shipping conditionRoom temperature
Type of reagentPlease consult labeling
Final productProtein without detergent
Regulatory approvalsUse only for research
TipsOur specialists recommend you to follow carefully the instructions when using the Detergent-Free Exosomal Protein Extraction Kit "New" . Check the lot number and expiration date before first use and follow the pre-written instructions in the technical sheet for long-term storage
OrderingTo order Detergent-Free Exosomal Protein Extraction Kit "New", please use the Cat. N°.101Bio-P201and submit your purchase order by email or by fax. A discount is available for larger or bulk quantities, please contact us for more information
Technical filePlease contact our technical support - [email protected] - to request a datasheet, the user manual, certificate of analysis or the MSDS file.
Gene target
Short nameDetergent-Free Exosomal Protein Extraction Kit "New"
Alternative nameDetergent-Free Exosomal Protein Extraction reagent "New"
Alternative techniquekits
Alternative to gene targetv-kit Hardy-Zuckerman 4 feline sarcoma viral oncogene homolog, C-Kit and CD117 and PBT and SCFR, KIT and IDBG-18980 and ENSG00000157404 and 3815, transferase activity, Extracellular, Kit and IDBG-172083 and ENSMUSG00000005672 and 16590, KIT and IDBG-642326 and ENSBTAG00000002699 and 280832